tonight i'm thankful for:
- the jar of pickles sitting on my desk [or should i say half-a-jar, since i've been downing those suckers?!]
- spooning. bahahaha. i have a big stuffed panda that i spoon all night everynight, and i'm pretty sure no man can compare to him, ever. he's the best snuggle partner. and he doesn't mind my morning breath, either. definitely marriage material, right there.
- bathroom lights. which i don't have right now... so i'm realizing how thankful i was when there was a functioning lightbulb. peeing in the dark is really a scary experience for me. maybe that's too much information. whoops.
- love spell. in the lotion form. my skin can't be pale and dry... and we all know this girl doesn't get a tan.
- general conference!! it's this week. and that makes this girl a happy camper. it's gonna be awesome. i love, love, love general conference. & i know you're thinking "uhh, you've only been a member for one general conference, alison..." however! i am the queen of stalking old ones on the internet. so... it's pretty much my thousandth. & since i am a kind person, i'll even give you thiiiis link so that you can learn what general conference is & how to watch it! feel free to thank me, it'll make your life better. []
- squishy kleenex. the lotion type. they keep my face from gettin' all raw when my eyes are watering/nose is running/i'm a hot mess and crying, all of which have been regular occurences this week. whoops.
- target. it's pretty much the only thing kearney has goin' for it. [besides me. oops, arrogant comment.]
- peach fresca. happiness in the form of zero calories.
- my yummy new tea. [herbal.] it seriously improves my life drastically
- getting my physical science test back with a big ol' A on the top. yeah. i'm braggin' a little, but if you knew how hard i worked my butt off for that grade, you'd let me have my braggin'. i went to the library. uhh, social suicide?! yesh. but it paid off!! :)
- freshly painted toenails. they're dark pink, if you were a curious cat.
- ew, the fact that i haven't seen d's feet in over 9 months. boy feet are disgusting. i can honestly say that i don't miss that part of him. he can leave his boy feet and boy toes and boy toenails in california, please.
- i'm officially being admitted into the college of ed. wooohooooo! your little girl's all growed up :) [and thus my life just got severely less stressful...]
- mushroom & zucchini pizza. it's soooo good. probably too good...
- photos. if i hadn't just spent the past two+ years trying to do this whole "be a teacher and have a career" thing, i'd totally drop everything and travel the world and be a photographer.
- the fact that my professor told us the answer to one of the questions in lab today. AND that i knew what was going on. [literally, the first time this entire semester. woah, dreambig.]
- window blinds. and the fact that i've finally gotten the hang of closing them. i had several [accidental] strip tease incidents earlier this semester. whoopsiedaisy.
- my nicely [mom-]folded laundry. it always looks better when my momma does it.
- decent weather. not too hot, not too cold.
- not having class until 11:15. = staying up late watching teen mom 2 & america's next top model [ya wanna be on top, top, top...]
- when the union has chicken noodle soup. [it seems i'm really thankful for food... that's all i talk about.]
- my family. there's no way anyone else woulda put up with me for this long :)
- love. and i'm not sayin' like romantic love, just like... loving someone, caring about someone. & always remembering to tell them.
- a really good adviser--i got a new one [sigh, again] but she is really really awesome and helped me figure everything all out. & let me tell you, when i arrived in her office i was a-mess. & she just fixed my schedule right up so that i had one less thing to worry about. lucky, lucky me!! :)
how is it that i forget how lucky that means i really am?!
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