
grateful list

one of my infamous grateful lists. [because, let's be honest, i've been a bit of a whiny wench lately.]

--missionaries. as of tomorrow, it's been a year. &, oh my heck, it's been a journey. & i can promise you it's far from over. i'm not at all where i want to be, in the end--but life is about growing. i'm grateful for the things he shared with me every day, no matter what else is going on in my life.
--dr. pepper. if you could see the amount of empty cans on my desk, you'd be disgusted. but some weeks i need it :)
--study dates... because, let's be honest, i get very little done when it's left solely up to me. but if someone's there, you'd better believe i work my hiney off.
--old friends. being able to text someone, out of the blue, who you literally can't remember the last time you spoke to them. & knowing that they will still "get" you. i love that comfort... knowing that someone has seen you in every single stage of your life--that you've been there for each other since before you can remember--and that you care about eachother. knowing that you can not talk for a month, and then talk all day every day for a month, and that that is okay. knowing that those times of silence don't mean you aren't friends. & i can honestly say you are one of those comfortable friends, & i wouldn't trade you for the world.
--tweezers. there are very few things i hate more than bad eyebrows. if yours suck, i'll try not to judge you... but i really can't make any guarantees. ;)
--that my parents taught me to love others. i'm amazed to see how naive and hateful some people can be. those types of attitudes [racism, sexism, etc.] was never tolerated in my house... & i'm thankful for that every single day.
--tomato soup. yummmmm. just what you need, after a final.
--good weeks. i think it takes bad weeks to remember how much you appreciate good weeks.
--sweatpants. some days, it's just way too much work to put on jeans.
--getting a letter in the mail. there's something about opening your mailbox and seeing an envelope with your name on it.
--only having three more days of school!!!!
--good hair days
--getting a phone call, from someone, just to see how you are doing. i don't think people realize that sometimes the smallest things mean the absolute most.

1 comment:

  1. Alison--
    I am greatful for you and all of the hard times you have gotten me through. I am greatful for your understanding spirit. I am greatful that you let me rant and rave about S being gone. I am greatful for the wonderful friendship we have formed. I am greatful for the many phone calls and texts we have shared just to whine. I am greaful for you Alison. Thank you for being a great friend.
