okay, so eeeeeveryone i know does these. & i always laugh really hard, at their stories. & due to the fact that i have at least a bajillion moments that qualify as awkward per day, i've picked out my favorite recent ones. enjoy :)
*When the boy who's trying to ask you out informs you how lucky you are to be asked out by him. I mean, not that being condescending isn't an awesome trait... But, rully [really]? Sweet.
*When you're describing said boy to someone, and think you're being super sneaky and tell them "he's a word that starts with d and ends with bag". & then later realize how blatantly obvious it was. Oops.
*[Disclaimer: I was tired] Being asked "[What's your phone] Number?" & responding "Well, aren't you just forward..." [Ok, not that awkward by itself. But I said it to a missionary. Oops.]
*Making small talk in singles ward, with single males, who wish to be less-than-single. [& being perfectly ok with my single status, for now. Whoops.]
*Having to admit that you're in pajamas. At four pm. [Hey, it's Sunday!]
*"We all know how it is. You go home from church, take your clothes off, & it's business as usual." <--Being the only one who caught how freakin' hilarious this quote was, in sacrament meeting [even though I know he meant changing from church clothes to regular clothes/pjs, and forgetting to keep the Sabbath, I still had to fight back giggles.]
*When Google Chrome tries to correct every freakin' other word I type. Rude...
*When you mean to hit ignore, are saying "ughhhhhh!" that this person is calling you, and accidentally hit answer. & then have to pretend you weren't loudly grumbling that they were calling you. Good one, Alison. Good one...
*Being one short week away from my birfday.
*My new-found positive attitude
*The fact that my fridge is stocked with chocolate chip cookie dough & garden cucumbers. & nothing else.
*My day in church. It was pretty fabulous.
*Momma's Reese's cupcakes [that I thought I forgot at home] that she snuck into my duffel bag, and sent to school with me.
*Having four empty Dr. Pepper cans on my desk. & by awesome, I might also mean "disgusting" and "obesity risk". But mostly awesome. ;)
*When my sister referred to her palms as her "Jesus spots." & we understood what she meant. Classic.
*Not knowing where my life is going, or what will happen, but knowing what I want the end result to be. As far as what happens between here and there... I'm up for anything. :)
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