

It's been two whole years since I was baptized. Two years since my life changed drastically. Two years since I started over.
& while I won't go into details, or ramble on & on like we all know I tend to do, I wanted to share a couple of things from church on Sunday. They hit me hard, and have continued to serve as reminders throughout my week.

One speaker said that a Christ-like life is not easy, something I think we all know. But he went on to say something to the effect of...
"Christ was persecuted and hated; the life He chose was not convenient or simple for Him, nor will it be for us."
Well, if that's not a piece of humble pie, I don't know what is. :)

The other phrase he said that has helped re-align my perspective was,
"Christ suffered alone so we will not have to."

I am never alone. He has felt all of these frustrations and this anxiousness and every, single thing that I can ever experience. He knows me, He knows my heart, and He loves me so much that He was willing to experience the world's sorrows and heartaches and earthly pains, so that He can always stand by our side with empathy, understanding, and the strength to push us forward when we feel we cannot move. I am never alone.
I love this church. I love the peace it brings to my life, and the understanding that I am never alone. I love how much clearer my life seems, now.  I love that this Gospel has shaped me into the woman I am today. I am so, so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am also incredibly blessed to have fallen in love with my best friend, and to have the opportunity to marry him in the temple for time and all eternity, in December.
I have no idea where I would be today, if it were not for the determination of a young man to push me to my limits and see how I could (and did) grow.  I have no idea where I would be, had he not thought outside the box, and followed the Spirit at all times. I'm so grateful for the faith and endurance he showed, when goodness knows I was anything but easy to get along with.
He lives, and He loves each of us. & I want you to know that: It is never too late. You are loved. This is real.

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