

The other day, I was groaning. Literally, grumbling and groaning, with the realization that I was behind on my laundry, and my homework, and the whole seeing-my-fiance thing, and my housework. I find myself thinking harsh thoughts--thinking how inadequate I am, thinking how I need to get it together. I need to be perfect, in every way: I need a home cooked meal on the table every night, because Sky deserves that, after all of his hard work each day.  I need to be excelling in my classes, because to be quite honest, I've never done anything but over-achieve.  I need to have a spotless apartment, because that's how my mother's house is.  I need to have my laundry done, all of the time, crisply folded and hanging color-coded, because that is what adults do.  Adults get their crap together and somehow fit everything in to each day.
& then a thought came into my head.  A thought, which I took as an answer:

"I might not have it all together, but that doesn't mean I'm falling apart."

It's ok if sometimes I don't have everything right on track; the reality is that I don't know any other 21 year old who is balancing everything that I am. I am doing ok. I can do this. I am blessed.

Life is good, and I'm happy.

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