--when my prayers sound a little something like this: "please, God, just let me be a lesbian. or a cat lady. i know you think i'm kidding, but this time i'm really not..." & then going in depth about what type of cats i would like. since i didn't feel God was gonna grant my lesbian request. yes, all of this in my prayer.
--reading all of these awesome blogs from these awesome moms & how they quilt & can & do cute motherly things. [& then realizing how completelely incapable i am of doing female things.]
--cursing under your breath. in three languages. super classy.
--"convert." there are very few words that get under my skin so quickly. that is one of them. & don't worry, it's used all the time by people in my life. if you're not a convert, then you don't have a testimony. we all convert. just at different times & in different ways. so, actually, you can just say i'm a member. or, hey, ya know... maybe just not label people at all? that'd be pretty neat...
--i know this makes my list EVERY time, but boys. just boys in general. awkward.
--when the man on campus says you'll burn in hell if you a] don't wear a bonnet & long dress, b] shop at victoria's secret, c] kiss boys, d] are a mormon... the list goes on. basically, i'm gonna be torched, according to his rulebook. [good think God is the one who judges me, huh?]
--packing everything. again. this is pretty much my life routine every couple of months. [s]uck.
--when you mean to call someone [person 1], to tell them all about how obnoxious someone else [person 2] is being. & accidentally dial person 2's number. hahaha. smooth, alison. smooth.
--foaming toothpaste. i bought some. & if you think it's a good idea, you're mistaken. don't buy it. it's pretty sicknast.
--3 of 'em in 3 months. no worries. i'm not "keeper" material.
--four dr pepper cans on my desk. totally not an addict. [the first step is admitting it. if i don't admit it, it doesn't exist, right??]
--when my mom emails me the following: "HOW RUDE!!!!!! Baby Jesus just told Santa to take away ALL your gifts!!!!!!!"
--general conference weekend! :) [not that i'll actually watch it this weekend...but it's the thought that counts...]
--life. life is awesome. how often do i forget to say that?! [i'm so blessed.]
--lots of bigbrother-ish boys, who take care of me. & who are, for the most part, ridiculously blunt. because really, that's what i need in life... people who say "look, this is how it is. figure your crap out." [or, ya know "i hate your stupid booty shorts." either one works. ;)]
--proactive vs reactive "lecture" this week. & knowing how badly i needed it. [thanks!]
--my new job. LOVE it.
--getting all of my homework, laundry, and dishes done. [not that i actually did. it just WOULD be awesome if that occured.]
happy weekend, loves. xo.
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