

yeah. that's right. i legit have a list going. some of it's forreal. some of it's half-joking. & yes i add to this list often.
[ps, please don't feel obligated to tell me i shouldn't have a list of requirements for a future hubby. "if he's right for you, you'll know, without a list." and/or "it's not fair to hold the boys you date to such high standards."  yeah, yeah, okay. but i'm still making a list. :)]

my future husband...
[in no particular order.]

--honors his priesthood.
--"gets" my crazy. some days are wild laughter & shrieking & super-excited jump up & down kinds of days. i need someone who not only accepts that, but loves that about me.
--loves me to pieces.--doesn't mind if i make him check [& re-check] my backseat, under the bed, in the closet, and in the shower for ax murderers.

--doesn't expect from-scratch bread and cookies, with a five-course meal, every day. & by golly, if/when i do all of that, he tells me a thousand times how awesome it is.
--lets me snuggle next to him during scary movies.
--understands that yoga pants are praaaactically considered dressing up. because they're not paint-stained sweatpants. [& he tells me how awesome my butt looks in them.]
--can change my oil, and check all that manly stuff under the hood.

--only rolls his eyes a little at how many freakin' pictures i take.
--pushes my hair out of my face & wipes tears off my cheeks. necessities.
--kisses my forehead.
--ok, & i guess he can like steamy makeout sesh-es, too.
--is a hard worker.
--knows that being a girl doesn't mean being helpless, & lets me [at least pretend to] help on boy projects.
--has goals.
--wants babies. but not in the reproduce-like-rabbits type of way. a handful or less will do.
--goes to church on Sunday, reads his scriptures, magnifies his calling[s], has family prayer & fhe, etc.
--is a gentleman
--is always nice to waitresses, customer service people, etc.
--knows when i need to ramble. & lets me.
--supports me in my goals.
--believes in tickle fights & wrestling. [& lets me win once in a while.]
--tells me i'm pretty. & means it.
--is gentle.
--is proud of me.
--teases me. [fact: i think being teased is hilarious. some girls get bent out of shape but i think it's so fun when a guy can dish it out as quickly as i can.]
--has high moral standards and expectations.
--admits when he's wrong.
--lets me be a little sassy & sarcastic sometimes. & knows how to be a little sassy back.
--leaves me little surprise love notes. buys me flowers once in a while just-because. does the whole cliche romantic crap, from time to time.
--rubs my feet, back, arms, & legs. & only whines a little.
--loves his family.

disclaimer: applications are not currently being accepted. ;)

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