
Dear Elder...


"Dear Elder,
Remember that one time I blew you off & I told you I didn't care what you had to say? Or that one time, you gave me a Book of Mormon & I promise you I would never read it? & the several weeks I told you, "What? This Sunday? I think I'm busy..." & I'll never forget the time that you asked me to pray, and I laughed for ten minutes straight and then just called you silly...

Dear Elder,
Do you remember when I showed  you my scriptures and it was covered in highlighter, and when I started to call you to make the appointments? Do you remember that phone call when I described my whole closet to you, upset I didn't own a single skirt or dress?

Do you remember when you taught me how to talk to my Father in Heaven? How I just tried to describe this indescribable happiness I was feeling that has not gone away and continues to grow...
Remember all the times when I overcame, conquered, progressed; When I was doing things I never thought I could do. Or when I called  you, at four in the morning, telling you I wanted to get baptized? When you put your hands on my head to receive the greatest gift I could ever receive, ever? Elder, do you remember when you showed me a better way of living? Do you remember when I started to become the person Heavenly Father has wanted me to become, all along?


Dear Elder,
Thank you. Thank you for what you are doing. Thank you for your example, for the Spirit you always have, for your prayers, and for all of your sacrifices; for pushing through any insecurities or struggles you may have.
Someone just as scared as you may be saved my life.
Do not give up, do not get discouraged, keep going.
What you are doing does make a difference. This is so real.
I am here because of it.

I am one of those rescued."

I am in love with this video.
In love.
What a beautiful soul; a beautiful testimony.

I don't know how she possibly picked what to say, and what to leave out.
If I wrote one, parts would be eerily similar. The closet--totally had that experience! (Except, mine was more of a "I have nothing that covers me" not "I have no dresses" experience. Hahaha. But seriously, he could probably tell you half of the clothes I own, I told him so often. Every Saturday was a battle, trying to figure out what to wear on Sunday. He heard all about it.) I will admit I laughed when he would ask me to pray or read my scriptures. There was no way I was going to do that. I had set my little stubborn mind against it.  I was not going to be Mormon. Heck no.
...& look at me now. Some days I'm "so Mormon" it scares even me. ;)

Dear Elder,
Remember when I was never, ever, no-matter-what going to be a Mormon? Remember when I wanted nothing to do with the church? Remember when the last thing I wanted to hear was that Heavenly Father loved me? And do you remember how that was the most important thing in the world for me to learn?
Do you remember how I would argue with you? How I would ask why things were the way they are, over and over? How I would insist you were wrong, but never felt like I was right? Do you remember how you taught me to pray? How you taught me to talk to Him, and know that He was listening?
Remember that first time, when you "tricked" me into taking those lessons? When you called me, during my naptime, and I answered the phone not realizing it was you? Remember when I was never going to take those lessons, and He had a different plan? Remember when you stuck to His plan, over and over?
Do you remember every time you held your tongue, when I was so frustrating? And do you remember how much I needed your blunt comments, at times?  Remember how much you hated my "stupid booty shorts"? And how ticked I was that you said that? Remember how you taught me to be a lady?
Do you remember that night, when I told you every reason I would never be a member of this church? Do you remember how I told you you were wasting two years of your life--how what you were doing didn't matter? & do you remember, that next morning, when you gave me a lesson--the lesson?
Because I could never forget; I will never forget. I was wrong, and He is right. Thank you, for teaching me that, no matter how exhausted you were.
Do you remember, when you baptized me? Do you remember, when you gave that talk right before? Remember how the room felt--how strong it was? Do you remember the moment you changed my life, forever? Do you realize what that means to me? Do you know how happy I am it was you, in that water with me?
Thank you for answering my questions, month after month. Thank you for teaching and re-teaching those lessons. For pushing me, without being pushy. For never allowing me to be a number. And for loving me when you (really, really) wanted to strangle me; thank you for always, always showing me His love.
Thank you for saving my life. For turning me around. Thank you for helping me realize my potential. Thank you for loving me, when I fall short of that potential time and time again. Thank you for always having faith that I'll get there, and for always encouraging me.
& thank you, for being my Elder, my role model, my friend, and my big brother.

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