
thoughts of the week.

--boys are weird. it makes me extremely uncomfortable when they try to hit on me. i know some girls like when random guys they barely know flirt with them... but i am not one of those girls.
what i said: (silence)

what i wanted to say: "ohh, you like my eyes?? really? that's so sweet... i actually have the same eyes as my grandma. and she's single (unlike me) so if you want, i could give you her number...? she's a really good cook. so ya know."
--tj maxx is heaven. love, love, love. <3 
--speaking of girls who like boys, someone on my facebook friends list makes up imaginary boyfriends. it's really awkward. & i wonder if other people notice, or it's just me... 
note to all girls: it's not acceptable to create boyfriends (& dramatic breakups?) past grade school. thank you.
--i'm going to save up for a pony. and to pay someone to pick up the pony's poo, because have you ever seen how big their poo is? yuck.
--you know you have a keeper when you find THE MOST hideous outfit at the store, put it on, text a picture of it to a boy and he still says you're pretty. (i generally don't condone lieing, but i make exceptions for this.)
--mannheim steamroller is freakishly good. & they have a recorder player. #lifegoal.
--i will not cry, i will not cry, i will not cry, i will not cry....
--my job is better than your job.
--is it turkey day yet? pretty, pretty pleaseeee? [ps: note to the family... if there's no green bean casserole, i'm not coming. xoxo.]

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