
incredibly, incredibly grateful.

there are bad days, & then there are good days.
today was a good one. absolutely fabulous.
one of those ones where you try to say how fab it was, & thank Him, & you get all choked up. one of those ones where you look at all of your blessings. one of those ones where you are so, so overwhelmingly happy.
it's funny that one word can change so much. one tiny word, that changes everything.
completed eight years ago.
& that word--"completed"--completely changes my perspective.
for the first time, i see i'm not alone. i see that i was never alone. i see that He was looking out for me long before i knew.
& while i know that there's a long, hard difference between "completed" and "accepted," i pray & hope that they are one and the same, in this case.

i am incredibly blessed.
today i'm grateful for:
--people who make me smile.
--sweet little texts.
--happy shoes. [yes, i believe that some shoes make you instantly more cheerful.]
--missionary work. it is the most amazing thing in the world.
--tlc's "sister wives"; yeah, it's my secret addiction... don't judge.
--mcdonald's apple pie. mmmmm...
--ruffly aprons. they make me feel wife-y.
--life. breathing & laughing & feeling.
--that sense of belonging; that it's-all-going-to-be-ok feeling.
--my momma, my daddy, & my big skissers. 
--[& my not-quite-biological big brudders. goodness knows i have a few...]
--being able to see the light at the end of this tunnel we call "college." :)
--fall break!!! [even though i am going to work the entire break.]
--my bestest frans.
--Husker football.
--kind words; kind actions; people being nice because they can, not because they should.

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